Friday, June 15, 2007

Took a Break

I have noticed that there are a lot of bloggers that are taking a break from their blogging activities.

I needed to do the same thing this last week and I'm trying to decide if I'll continue blogging or not. For the immediate future you will see a reduction in the number of posts as I work on some more Trader Feed indicators and spend more time on my trading statistics.

Trade Wise, Trade Well


Rich Strehl said...


Keep on keeping on. Go pick out a great motivational audio from the book store and play it in your car. Sometimes we all need a boost in motivation and this usually works for me.

Best wishes

John - MarketPilot said...

Hi Active Trader, thanks for the encouraging words.

That is a great idea and I'm definitely in for a bost right now.


Dinosaur Trader said...


I say this to everyone, read or re-read Reminiscences of a Stock Operator. That always gets my in the mood to trade or at least think about trading.


John - MarketPilot said...

Thanks dinosaur trader,

I'll dig that one out and get through it.

Thanks for the support.
